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  6. 3M™ Scotchcast™ Resin Kit 92-NBC GS, Size 2, Cross Section 4x4-4x35 mm2 (main), 4x4-4x25 mm2 (branch), 2 Kits per case.

3M™ Scotchcast™ Resin Kit 92-NBC GS, Size 2, Cross Section 4x4-4x35 mm2 (main), 4x4-4x25 mm2 (branch), 2 Kits per case.

  • 3M ID 7100229424
  • UPC 04054596836327

T-branch electrical splicing kit with high-performance, epoxy-based resin free from CMR substances, isocyanate, halogen, and SVHC content

Indoor and outdoor use, underground and submerged applications

Temperature for continuous operation: -40 °C to +110 °C

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  • T-branch electrical splicing kit with high-performance, epoxy-based resin free from CMR substances, isocyanate, halogen, and SVHC content
  • Indoor and outdoor use, underground and submerged applications
  • Temperature for continuous operation: -40 °C to +110 °C
  • High resistance to humidity in storage and application
  • Colour indication to secure correct mixing

3M™ Scotchcast™ Resin kit 92-NBC GS is a premium T-branch electrical splice, suitable up to 1 kV application. It contains the high-performance, epoxy-based, CMR-free 3M™ Scotchcast™ Resin 4 GS that changes colour after the two components of the resin have been correctly mixed. The innovative 3M closed mix & pouring system ensures quick and clean delivery of the resin into the transparent mould body design.

3M™ Scotchcast™ Resin kit 92-NBC GS is used for the insulation and mechanical protection of low voltage cable connections up to 1 kV. It covers a range of cable cross sections from 4 mm2 to 35 mm2, and it also available with a connector included. The innovative design of the 3M™ Scotchcast™ Resin kit 92-NBC GS allows for a fast and clean installation, thanks to the 3M-patented spout integrated to the resin bag and the mould body. Correct cable setting is secured by the complete transparency of the mould. 3M™ Scotchcast™ 4 GS hydrophobic and CMR-free epoxy resin meets IEC 60455-3-8 requirements and is compliant with EU directive 2011/65/EU (RoHS) and EU directive 1907/2007/EC (REACH), guaranteeing the highest grade of electrical insulation for professional use.

Propriedades Típicas


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Aplicação Cabo de derivação
Aplicação de Tensão Baixa tensão
Aprovação para setor mineiro Não
Com conetores de parafuso Não
Diâmetro Externo Máximo de Isolamento (métrico) 33 mm
Diâmetro do cabo de derivação 16 - 33 mm
Diâmetro do cabo principal 16 - 33 mm
Diâmetro mínimo externo do isolamento (Métrico) 16 mm
Interior/exterior Ambos
Marcas Scotchcast™
Modelo Resina moldada
Número de condutores 5
Para ligação de papel - a cabos com isolamento plástico Não
Retardante de chama Não
Secção transversal nominal do cabo condutor de derivação 4 - 25 mm²
Secção transversal nominal do cabo condutor principal 4 - 35 mm²
Sem halogéneo Sim
Tamanho máximo do condutor 25 mm²
Tensão 1 kV
Tensão de fila 0.6/1 kV
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