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  6. 3M™ LifeASSURE™ PDA Series Media Disc, NM04708 PDA020, 47mm 0.2 µ, 1/Case

3M™ LifeASSURE™ PDA Series Media Disc, NM04708 PDA020, 47mm 0.2 µ, 1/Case

  • 3M ID 7000042843
  • UPC 00016145018893

Available in Cartridge and Capsule formats. Capsules are available presterilized by Gamma Irradiation or Gamma Compatible for customers to sterilize as part of a single use system. Cartridges withstand mechanical and thermal stress including Steam in Place operations.

Highly asymmmetric dual zone polyethersulfone [PES] membrane providing exceptionally high contaminant capacity for longer life and smaller systems.

High area, pleated membrane design. High flow rates, low pressure drop. Smaller filter systems, and longer service life for reduced filtration costs.

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  • Available in Cartridge and Capsule formats. Capsules are available presterilized by Gamma Irradiation or Gamma Compatible for customers to sterilize as part of a single use system. Cartridges withstand mechanical and thermal stress including Steam in Place operations
  • Highly asymmmetric dual zone polyethersulfone [PES] membrane providing exceptionally high contaminant capacity for longer life and smaller systems
  • High area, pleated membrane design. High flow rates, low pressure drop. Smaller filter systems, and longer service life for reduced filtration costs
  • Reliable 0.2 micron validated performance. Meets FDA definition of 0.2 micron sterilizing grade filter (107CFU/cm2 B. diminuta retention). Integrity test correlated with sterile filtration performance data and supported by Validation Guide

LifeASSURE™ PDA020 series sterilizing grade filters and capsules are validated for absolute bacteria retention and provide relable sterile filtration performance.

The LifeASSURE™ PDA020 series combines two asymmetric poluethersulfone [PES] membrane layers with Advanced Pleat Technology design resulting in a robust filter optimized for fast flowing and high troughput applications.

The innovative media is highly hydrophillic wetting out easily for reliable integrity testing and is ideal for sterilizing applications where low protein binding is critical.

It's an ideal choice for biopharmaceutical sterilizing applications.


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