A high performance preformed white road marking tape, specially developed for long term applications on highways and other roads which require premium safety and unsurpassed durability. It offers retained day and night brightness, retro-reflectivity, skid resistance and durable whiteness. As such, it reduces replacement cycles, saves maintenance cost over the life of the road, whilst guiding drivers safely. Abrasion resistant ceramic beads and anti-skid particles are bonded in a highly durable polyurethane topcoat, to create a tape that provides increased visibility and safety, even in the wet. The tape is easy to handle and can be cut to length using a knife or mechanical cutter for symbols and legends. Independent testing shows that A380ESD meets all the performance requirements of EN1436.
A high performance preformed white road marking tape, specially developed for long term applications on highways and other roads which require premium safety and unsurpassed durability. It offers retained day and night brightness, retro-reflectivity, skid resistance and durable whiteness. As such, it reduces replacement cycles, saves maintenance cost over the life of the road, whilst guiding drivers safely. Abrasion resistant ceramic beads and anti-skid particles are bonded in a highly durable polyurethane topcoat, to create a tape that provides increased visibility and safety, even in the wet. The tape is easy to handle and can be cut to length using a knife or mechanical cutter for symbols and legends. Independent testing shows that A380ESD meets all the performance requirements of EN1436.
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