3M™ G3501 Series High Heat Safety Helmets

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Lightweight high heat safety helmet compatible with 3M eye, face and hearing protection

Leather sweatband for improved comfort

Head harness can be rotated 180° for better visibility when working in confined spaces

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  • Lightweight high heat safety helmet compatible with 3M eye, face and hearing protection
  • Leather sweatband for improved comfort
  • Head harness can be rotated 180° for better visibility when working in confined spaces
  • 1000V electrical insulation in accordance with EN50365 for live-working in low voltage environments
  • Approved for use at temperatures ranging from -30 °C to +150 °C

Temperature extremes, metal sparks and splashes – that’s the job. And it’s a tough environment to work in. 3M™ G3501 Series High Heat Safety Helmet is designed to offer high levels of protection for the toughest of applications. The helmet is also the platform for a range of hearing, eye and face protection products that are designed to withstand the metal working environments without compromising compatibility, comfort or easy of use. Available in six colours, with ratchet suspension.

For lightweight head protection that can withstand high temperatures up to +150 °C, use 3M™ G3501 Series High Heat Safety Helmet. Our high heat hard hat is fully compatible with 3M’s range of eye, face and hearing protection. It features a leather sweatband for improved comfort and a head harness that can be rotated 180° for better visibility when working in confined spaces. It has up to 1000V electrical insulation in accordance with EN50365 for live-working in low voltage environments and is approved for use at temperatures ranging from -30 °C to +150 °C.

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