3M™ Micro-Klean™ D Series Filter Cartridge

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Cotton materials and polypropylene twine/polypropylene media are FDA 21 CFR listed materials and suitable for food and beverage

Graded density construction prevents significant pressure drops

Integral lengths from 250 cm to 1 m reduces joints that cause blinding or by-pass

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  • Cotton materials and polypropylene twine/polypropylene media are FDA 21 CFR listed materials and suitable for food and beverage
  • Graded density construction prevents significant pressure drops
  • Integral lengths from 250 cm to 1 m reduces joints that cause blinding or by-pass

3M™ Micro-Klean™ D Series Filter Cartridge is our blanket media cartridge combining an enhanced open-wind process with an internal media blanket. They’re nominally rated from 0.5 to 350 micron and are available with various media, matrix, and core materials for compatibility in a wide range of processes.

For superior flow rates, filtration efficiency, and consistent filtration characteristics from cartridge to cartridge, lot to lot use 3M™ Micro-Klean™ D Series Filter Cartridge.

The performance of 3M Micro-Klean D Series Filter Cartridge is directly related to the advanced winding pattern of the yarn matrix combined with our process of separately applying a tailored media ‘blanket’ between successive layers of yarn. This winding pattern creates much larger diamond shaped contaminant holding chambers. The separately inserted blanket encloses the chambers and maintains the consistency and integrity of filtration. These two factors combine to achieve a balance of filtration characteristics, which are hard to obtain with ordinary wound filter cartridges that use teased or brushed fibres on the yarn to produce a filtering media.

3M Micro-Klean D Series winding pattern also provides less restriction than the patterns common to ordinary wound cartridges. Consequently, 3M Micro-Klean D Series Filter Cartridge provides up to 2 ½ times more open area, enhancing the flow rate by up to 500 % for the same pressure drop. It’s a blanket media cartridge offering true graded density, with more open filtration on the outside of the filter and fine, efficient filtration on the inner layer of the cartridge. Clogging of the filtration surfaces by large particles is minimised and cartridge life extended which can lower cartridge replacement costs.

3M Micro-Klean D Series Filter Cartridges are nominally rated from 0.5 to 350 micron and are available with various media, matrix, and core materials for compatibility within different processes. Standard materials include cotton yarn/cotton media blanket for use in applications involving water, alcohol, and other polar liquids. The cotton materials and polypropylene twine/polypropylene media we use are FDA 21 CFR listed materials for use with potable water, food, and beverage products. Cartridges can be configured with tinned steel, stainless steel, or polypropylene cores. The use of various core materials gives you an advanced range of compatibility. They can also be configured with various end-treatments and O-ring materials to fit competitive filter housings.

Aplicações sugeridas
  • Adequados para aplicações industriais, como água, ácidos, solventes e produtos químicos
  • Adequados para aplicações de alimentos e bebidas, como bebidas prontas a consumir, sumos, bebidas alcoólicas, produtos lácteos, processamento e mistura de água


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