Micro-Klean™ RT series filters are all-polypropylene depth filter cartridges offering consistent particle reduction efficiencies, increased surface life, low initial pressure drop and high particle reduction efficiencies. The filter’s extended service life results in fewer filter change-outs. This product is appropriate for use in a wide range of process applications, including food and beverage.
The filter’s rigid construction provides consistent performance, extended service life and fewer filter change outs. We manufacture the Micro Klean™ RT series filters using our own rigid extrusion bonded technology. Our unique manufacturing process combines the superior process control with the quality assurance enabled by an to provide reliable product performance. This exclusive manufacturing process is an ISO 9001 certified quality system and provides a high degree of fiber to fiber thermal bonding, without the use of binders, to produce a rigid, core less filter structure with the following properties:
Consistent filtration throughout the service life of a depth style filter depends on how well the filter’s structure tolerates fluctuations in operating conditions – including contaminant loading and differential pressure. Flexible structures, such as meltblown and string wound filters, tend to compress and change porosity with increased pressure, while rigid structures like ours do not. Media compression can result in short filter life because the pores collapse and ultimately close. Media compression can also cause the filter to release already held particles.
Our robust Micro Klean RT series filter captures and retains contaminant within its rigid filter matrix, even under increasing differential pressure. In addition, the unique depth filter structure of the Micro Klean RT series filter provides a significant increase in contaminant holding capacity and provides greater flow capacity at a given pressure. Unlike soft meltblown and string wound filters that require core support, our Micro Klean RT series filter is self supporting and is grooved to provide greater than twice the surface area. The increase in surface area prevents premature blinding of the outer surface by large particles and gels and promotes fuller utilization of the depth matrix. The result is significantly longer life than competitive cartridges.
Micro Kleen RT Series Filter’s extended service life results in fewer filter change outs while its enhanced flow characteristics can typically reduce the number of filters required to achieve a given flow rate. These combined features can significantly reduce total filtration costs.
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