3M™ Zeta Plus™ ZP Series Filter Housing

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A wide range of stainless steel construction grades provides excellent corrosion protection for rugged, long-lasting service

Accepts varying height cartridges. Allows use of 1, 2, 3 or 4 standard height cartridges for greater flexibility for 8” 12” and 16” cartridges

Swing bolt or screw clamp closures design optimises cartridge change-out

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  • A wide range of stainless steel construction grades provides excellent corrosion protection for rugged, long-lasting service
  • Accepts varying height cartridges. Allows use of 1, 2, 3 or 4 standard height cartridges for greater flexibility for 8” 12” and 16” cartridges
  • Swing bolt or screw clamp closures design optimises cartridge change-out
  • Removable cartridge centre-post and sealing nut compression assembly allows easy cleaning reducing maintenance. Air vent allows venting before start-up and draining for safe filter operation
  • Approved for food contact use – complies with European regulations
  • Fully supported with a comprehensive range of readily available spares

3M™ ZP Series Housings can be produced using a wide range of materials and construction codes. Our housings are designed for use with 3M™ Zeta Plus and 3M™ Zeta Carbon cartridges of 8”, 12” and 16” in diameter, with cartridge stacks up to four high.

For most food and beverage applications and other processes where 316L material and high levels of surface finish are required, use 3M™ IP Series Housings.

Special builds
3M SPSD Hardware team has extensive experience designing and supplying special vessels for lenticular cartridges.

Our IP series housings can be produced to a wide variety of design and construction codes (including ASME U Stamp). Special vessels can range from simple modifications up to large multiple housing skid mounted units with associated accessories, and with both second shell heating jackets and electrical trace heating. These are produced for both bio-processing and advanced purity chemicals applications.

The information in the following sections is typical for standard products – please contact your local 3M SPSD representative for further information.

Operating conditions
Our IP Vessels have a design pressure rating of 8 bar g and can be used in temperatures up to 150 °C (for sterilisation). Actual operating temperatures will depend on the cartridge types and on the PED 2014/68/CE regulations that are applicable to pressure vessels.

Construction materials
All wetted surfaces are 316L stainless steel with some small parts in polypropylene. Other parts are supplied in 304 stainless steel or similar.

Special vessels for lenticular cartridges can be supplied in a wide variety of materials including low ferrite stainless steels (< 1% and < 3%) and C22 ‘Hastelloy’ as well as super duplex grades.

Silicone gaskets are supplied as standard. Other gasket materials are available and can be readily installed.

Inlet and outlet options
All 3M IP housings have triclover-flanged connections available (inlet/outlets and vents) and of inlet/outlets fitted with DIN 2633 flanges.

Surface finish
The interior and exterior surfaces are mechanically polished to 0.8 microns Ra or less, and are crevice-free.

Food compliance
All 3M IP housings comply with the requirements of Regulation (EC) 1935/2004 for food contact applications.

ATEX 2014/34/CE
3M IP housings are approved for use in ATEX condition II 2 GD IIC.

Aplicações sugeridas
  • Adequadas para a maioria dos processos farmacêuticos (bioprocessamento e produtos químicos de pureza avançada) e outros processos onde sejam necessários materiais especializados e acabamentos da superfície de alto nível



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