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  6. 3M™ WTB Housing, 07WTB3 F044P16GM40S16GM40 304L I/O R1 1/2 ATEX

3M™ WTB Housing, 07WTB3 F044P16GM40S16GM40 304L I/O R1 1/2 ATEX

  • 3M ID 7000075859

304L / 316L stainless steel construction provides excellent corrosion protection for rugged, long-lasting service.

Accepts varying height and quantity round filter packs, and the standard 3M™ CTG-Klean™ range of filter elements in 1, 3 and 7 round and 1, 2, 3 and 4 high.

Swing bolt and V Clamp closures design optimises cartridge change-out.

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  • 304L / 316L stainless steel construction provides excellent corrosion protection for rugged, long-lasting service
  • Accepts varying height and quantity round filter packs, and the standard 3M™ CTG-Klean™ range of filter elements in 1, 3 and 7 round and 1, 2, 3 and 4 high
  • Swing bolt and V Clamp closures design optimises cartridge change-out
  • A wide range of accessories available to support he unique configuration of the 3M™ CTG-Klean™ filter element range
  • Food contact use – can be produced in accordance the requirements of Regulation (EC) 1935/2004 for their intended food contact applications
  • Fully supported with a wide range of readily available spares
  • No parts subject to wear compatibility issues, e.g. gaskets

3M™ WT Housings are our high quality, low cost pressure vessels. They’re typically constructed from 304L and 316L stainless steel, and can be supplied with a wide range of in-contact materials and connections types.

3M™ WT Housings are designed for use with 3M™ CTG-Klean™ filter elements. They’re suitable for most industrial applications where operator contact with the process fluid should be minimised.

Special builds
3M SPSD Hardware team have extensive experience of designing special vessels for filter applications. We can produce them in a wide variety of design and construction codes (including ASME U Stamp). Our special vessels can range from simple modifications of standard designs up to large multiple housing skid mounted units with associated accessories, and with both second shell heating jackets and electrical trace heating.

The information in the following sections is typical for standard products – please contact your local 3M SPSD representative for further information.

Sizes and operating conditions
3M WT vessels can be produced in single, three and seven cartridge round configurations with cartridge heights varying from 1 to 3 high.

Typical operating conditions for the housings are up to 10 bar g and temperatures of up to 70 °C.

Actual operating temperatures and pressures will depend on the cartridge types and on the PED 2014/68/CE regulations that are applicable to all pressure vessels.

PED 2014/68/CE
3M WT vessels are routinely produced for Categories up to and including PED Cat IV.

Construction materials
3M WT vessel shells – that are not in contact with the process fluid – are produced in 304L. Typically, all wetted surfaces are 316L stainless steel. Other parts are supplied in 304 stainless steel or similar. Special builds can be with the wetted – in contact – parts from the material of the customer’s choice, including Super Duplex varieties (Uranus B6).

Inlet and outlet options
3M WT housings are typically supplied with threaded BSP Inlet / Outlet connections, but we can incorporate many other options.

Surface finish
3M WT housings are typically produced in a Pickle Passivated conditions. Other surface finish requirements can be provided.

Food compliance
3M WT housings can be produced in accordance the requirements of Regulation (EC) 1935/2004 for food contact applications.

ATEX 2014/34/CE
3M WT housings can be approved for use in ATEX condition II 2 GD IIC.

Aplicações sugeridas
  • Adequadas para a maioria das aplicações industriais nas quais o contacto do operador com o fluido de processamento deve ser minimizado


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