3M™ ZWB Series Filter Housing

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Polished sanitary 316L stainless steel construction reduces bacterial/particle adhesion, eases cleaning, and increases resistance to corrosion

User friendly vertical design with sanitary connections reduces floor space requirements and reduces disassembly time for cleaning

Accepts 3M Purification Inc. sanitary style 226 double O-ring filters, which lock into place assuring secure installation

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  • Polished sanitary 316L stainless steel construction reduces bacterial/particle adhesion, eases cleaning, and increases resistance to corrosion
  • User friendly vertical design with sanitary connections reduces floor space requirements and reduces disassembly time for cleaning
  • Accepts 3M Purification Inc. sanitary style 226 double O-ring filters, which lock into place assuring secure installation
  • Swing bolt closures offer convenient secure sealing with the housings rated to 150 psi
  • A abertura de ventilação permite a ventilação antes do arranque e a drenagem, para uma operação segura do filtro
  • Aprovado para utilização em contacto com alimentos
  • Inteiramente suportado com uma gama abrangente de peças de substituição prontas a fornecer

The 3M™ ZWB Series Housing is a multi-cartridge housing designed to accommodate three, five, eight or twelve Single Open End filter cartridges up to 40 inches long. Three-high housings are the most common with other configurations available upon request. The design uses swing bolt closures to secure the housing dome to the base for operation up to 150 psi (10.3 bar) at 212o F.

The 3M™ ZWB Series Housing is multi-cartridge housings designed to accommodate three (3), five (5), eight (8) or twelve (12) sanitary style 226 Single Open End filter cartridges up to 40 inches long. Three-high housings are the most common with other configurations available upon request. The ZWB design uses swing bolt closures to secure the housing dome to the base for operation up to 150 psi (10.3 bar) at 212°F. The ZWB housing can be steam-in-place (SIP) and cleaned in place (CIP).

3M ZWB series standard housing models include 2 in. sanitary Inlet / Outlet (1-1/2 in. on 3ZWB), Silicone O-ring, a 1-1/2 in. sanitary gauge port and a 1/2 in. sanitary bleed valve connection. An optional 1/2in. sanitary barb vent/drain diaphragm valve is available.

The 3M ZWB housings are designed to meet the requirements of the pharmaceutical, bioprocessing, fine chemical, food and beverage and electronics industries.

A History of Innovation
For more than a century, 3M has applied innovation and technology to improve our customers’ lives and support their business goals. From our headquarters in St. Paul, Minnesota, we serve industrial and commercial customers and consumers in nearly 200 countries. Across thousands of products, the 3M brand represents consistency, superior quality, and value. Our success begins with a culture of creative collaboration that inspires a never ending stream of powerful technologies and product solutions that make life better. We have an ability to apply our technologies - often in combination - to an endless array of real-world customer needs. Of course, all of this is made possible by the people of 3M and our singular commitment to make life easier and better for people around the world. Toward that end, 3M is committed to providing innovative, cost-effective products that help protect people, equipment and our environment. 3M Purification Inc. provides filtration and separation solutions for residential, foodservice, science labs, industrial, marine and other applications.

Aplicações sugeridas
  • Adequadas para a maioria dos processos farmacêuticos (bioprocessamento e produtos químicos de pureza avançada) e outros processos onde sejam necessários materiais especializados e acabamentos da superfície de alto nível


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