3M™ Reusable Half Mask Respirator 6000 Series

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Economical, low maintenance and easy to handle

Reusable half masks designed for simplicity

Cradle head harness and easy-fasten neck strap

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  • Economical, low maintenance and easy to handle
  • Reusable half masks designed for simplicity
  • Cradle head harness and easy-fasten neck strap
  • Lightweight elastomeric material for comfort during long work shifts
  • Low-profile design minimises interference with field of view
  • Twin-filter design for even distribution of weight and minimal obstruction to field of vision
  • Bayonet-style connection fits to a broad range of filters
  • Protects against gases, vapours and particulates
  • Compatible with 3M™ 2000, 5000 and 6000 Series filters to suit your individual needs
  • Can be used with 3M™ Supplied Air Systems for your increased convenience and flexibility
  • Available in three sizes; small, medium and large

3M™ Reusable Half Face Masks 6000 Series are made from a lightweight, comfortable elastomeric material with a bayonet-style twin-filter design, cradle head harness and easy-fasten neck strap. Our reusable half masks are low profile and are available in three sizes.

For economical, low-maintenance reusable masks that are easy to handle, use 3M™ Reusable Half Face Mask 6000 Series. Our reusable half masks are designed for simplicity, with an elastomeric material that’s lightweight and comfortable to wear over long shifts, a cradle head harness and easy-fasten neck strap. They provide protection against gases, vapours and particulates, and feature a bayonet-style connection that fits to a broad range of twin, lightweight filters, depending on your individual needs. The twin-filter design evenly balances weight across the mask, and the low profile means minimal impact to your field of vision and better compatibility with welding and grinding shields. They can be used with 3M™ Supplied Air Systems for your increased convenience and flexibility, and connect with all 3M™ 2000, 5000 and 6000 Series filters (except 3M™ 6098 or 6099). The 6000 Series has a specially designed range of spares and accessories to help you maintain the right level of comfort and protection when parts become worn or damaged. They’re available in three sizes; small, medium and large.

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