3M™ Automotive Window Films, FX High Performance Series

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Metallised black window films provide stylish looks to your vehicle

Provide comfort and protection from the sun's heat and harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays

Reject up to 55% of total solar energy coming through vehicle windows

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  • Metallised black window films provide stylish looks to your vehicle
  • Provide comfort and protection from the sun's heat and harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays
  • Reject up to 55% of total solar energy coming through vehicle windows
  • Reduce reliance on air conditioning and decrease fuel consumption
  • Increase privacy – blocks up to 95% of visible light to protect your valuables
  • Block up to 99% of harmful UV light providing up to 1000 SPF (sun protection factor)
  • Available in different tint levels
  • Darker tinting significantly reduces glare from blinding sunlight

3M™ Automotive Window Films, FX High Performance Series are our stylish black metallised window films featuring a sun protection factor (SPF) of up to 1000. Available in different levels to increase privacy and protect you and your valuables.

For high performance heat rejection, protection and comfort use 3M™ Automotive Window Films, FX High Performance Series. Our window films offer comfort and a shield from the sun's heat and ultraviolet (UV) rays, blocking up to 99% of harmful UV light and providing a total sun protection factor (SPF) of up to 1000. Rejecting up to 55% of total solar energy these films keep you cool, reduce reliance on air conditioning, and in turn decrease fuel consumption. Available in different tint levels that block up to 95% of visible light, this film significantly reduces glare and provides increased privacy to protect you and your valuables.

Aplicações sugeridas
  • Cars, vans and trucks



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